Rob West

Work Culture

Development Is Complex, Not Complicated

Understanding the difference in meaning between complex and complicated puts you in the right mindset to succeed in your development practice. The difference is significant, and failure to understand it is at the heart of many unsuccessful projects. I have found that staying "complexity conscious" has helped guide my decision making and avoids an over reliance on rules and bureaucracy.

Why email is killing your productivity and how to fix it

Most businesses would be more productive if they did not use email for internal communication. I don't mean "used email less", I mean a total cessation. Why is email so bad? How can you work effectively without it in the "new normal" of remote working?

Coders Are Creatives Not Factory Workers

Writing code is a creative process. Very few employers understand this and it has a hugely negative impact on development projects and developers. We need to change this damaging misconception.

Resilient Management Book Review

The shift from developer to manager is a challenging one, requiring a completely different set of skills. Resilient management by Lara Hogan is full of ideas and tools to help team leaders whether they are new to the role or experienced.

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